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Facts About

Moringa oleifera


Medicinal Values of Moringa (Nebedaye): Moringa oleifera starting with the Leaves:

Leaves:  relieve headaches, expel worms, relieves swelling, heals skin diseases, inflammation of the eyes and ears, bronchitis and inflammation of  mucous membranes, scurvy and increase milk production in lactating women

Flowers: are a good tonic, expel worms, treats tumors and enlarged spleen, relieve sore throat, and treat anxiety

Pods & seeds:  purify water, treat tooth ache from tooth decay, expel worms, treat problems of the liver and spleen, and relieve joint pain

Roots:  used as a laxative and to treat spasms of the colon, treat circulation problems, high blood pressure, kidney dysfunctions and low back pain; for gout, asthma and hiccoughs.

Fresh leaves are inserted into the nose of a comatose person, who is then aroused from the coma.

In laboratory tests the leaf extract of Moringa (Nebedaye) lowers blood sugar within three hours, heals stomach ulcers, is a powerful muscle relaxant, reducing blood pressure and causing sleep.  Also in laboratory tests, juice extract from leaves and bark have shown antibacterial and antiviral properties, and show strong activity against the tuberculosis bacteria.

Leaves of Moringa can substitute for meat, soy bean products or dairy products as the leaves have a complete compliment of amino acids, the complete protein that is needed in human nutrition for good health.

 Ounce per Ounce leaves of Moringa oleifera:

*contain more vitamin A than carrots for good eyesight and to prevent blindness; contain a high quality vitamin A- beta carotene

*more Calcium than milk for strong bones and teeth

*more Iron than spinach for healthy blood cells

*contain the full balanced compliment of B vitamins, as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, for brain, muscle and neurological development

 *fresh leaves and pods contain high levels of vitamin C, ascorbic acid, which make it excellent for preventing scurvy

*leaf powder is an excellent source of Vitamin E, tocopherol acetate, for DNA and sexual development

Ounce per Ounce leaves of Moringa oleifera:

*contain more vitamin A than carrots for good eyesight and to prevent blindness; contain a high quality vitamin A- beta carotene

*more Calcium than milk for strong bones and teeth

*more Iron than spinach for healthy blood cells

*contain the full balanced compliment of B vitamins, as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, for brain, muscle and neurological development

*fresh leaves and pods contain high levels of vitamin C, ascorbic acid, which make it excellent for preventing scurvy

*leaf powder is an excellent source of Vitamin E, tocopherol acetate, for DNA and sexual development

Moringa Leaves

"Our pathway must be up through the soil,
up through swamps,
up through forests,
up through streams and rocks,
up through commerce, education, and religion!
In my opinion, we cannot begin at the top to build a house.  
If we try to do this, we shall reap in the end the fruits of our folly".

Booker T. Washington

Respond to Adjoa Linda at:  Email belrivers@gmail.com