Contact Me

Women Permaculture Training
Permaculture Training Ghana
Women Permaculture Training
Permaculture Curriculum - Ghana
Solar Cookers
What is Permaculture?
Paul Yeboah
Permaculture Network in Ghana
Brong Ahafo - Monkey Sanctuaries Ghana
Nursery, Mushrooms, Backyard Gardens, Grasscutter Farming
Permaculture Indigenous Tree Project in Ghana
Permaculture Network Soy Bean Production
History of Permaculture Network in Ghana
Photos Gardening Projects & key hole planting
Facts About Moringa!
Moringa Recipes!
Mushroom Farming in Techiman, Ghana
Tigray Project - Composting in Ethiopia
Keyhold gardens
Africa's Women Speak Out 54th Conference
Water Catchment System!
More Images
Contact Me

Adele Women Association - Nkwanta 'Upper Volta' Ghana

To find out how you can help, please email me. Thanks, Adjoa Linda


To send funds to help. Please make checks payable to

Linda Fletcher

G.P.O. Box 6283

Bronx, NY 10451


Funding is needed to send barrels of sewing supplies, fabric and books to the Adelewomen.




Adjoa Linda Fletcher


"Our pathway must be up through the soil,
up through swamps,
up through forests,
up through streams and rocks,
up through commerce, education, and religion!
In my opinion, we cannot begin at the top to build a house.  
If we try to do this, we shall reap in the end the fruits of our folly".

Booker T. Washington

Respond to Adjoa Linda at:  Email